Good Friday and Easter Events
Good Friday and Easter Events
Who is Jesus? Why does his death and resurrection, which occurred over 2,000 years ago, continue to bring new life to people around the world today? We invite you to join us for our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services as we contemplate and celebrate his perfect life, death in place of people like us, triumphant resurrection, and victory over sin and death!
Good Friday Service
March 29, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Throughout church history, Christians around the world have gathered on Good Friday to reflect on the suffering, death, and burial of Jesus Christ. Join us for a one-hour service as we meditate upon our Savior’s sufferings through a combination of Scripture readings, songs, a brief sermon, and the Lord’s Supper. As we come together for this service to remember Calvary, we look forward with eager anticipation to celebrating our Lord’s resurrection on Easter morning.
Easter Sunday Service
March 31, 10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
We invite you to join us as we rejoice in the resurrection of Christ as we learn from Acts 17:22-34! We will have gifts for guests, lots of singing, a baptism, and Grace Kids classes for those 6 months through 6th grade.
Easter Sunday Service
March 31, 10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
We invite you to join us as we rejoice in the resurrection of Christ as we learn from Acts 17:22-34! We will have gifts for guests, lots of singing, a baptism, and Grace Kids classes for those 6 months through 6th grade.
Grace Kids Easter Celebration
March 31, 12:15 - 12:45 P.M.
Kids 12 and under are invited to join us for our Grace Kids Easter Celebration immediately following the service on Easter Sunday!
Once the service ends, please bring your child to the Basement Auditorium. We’ll begin promptly at 12:15 p.m. with a story, and then kids will participate in an Easter Egg Hunt that will conclude by 12:45 p.m.
We will provide the eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt, but please bring your own basket to collect them!
Please register here to help us plan accordingly for the Easter Egg Hunt. Guests, if you don’t have a chance to register, you are still welcome to participate!
If you would like to volunteer to help with our Easter Celebration, please reach out to Elizabeth Swadener.
Family Easter Stories
The Biggest Story Bible Storybook - Easter Stories
This Easter booklet is a perfect way to teach children about the life-changing story of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Each story from The Biggest Story Bible Storybook helps children experience the captivating story of the Bible in an easy-to-understand, compelling way. Featuring beautiful, full-color illustrations by award-winning artist Don Clark, this thirty-two-page downloadable booklet is ideal for reading with kids ages 6–12 leading up to Easter Sunday.
Holy Week Devotional
Love to the Uttermost Devotional Readings for Holy Week from John Piper
Enjoy this free digital devotional that begins on Palm Sunday, ends on Easter Sunday, and aims to focus our attention on Jesus as he displays his love to the uttermost (John 13:1). These meditations on the self-giving love of Christ are all excerpted from the preaching and writing ministry of John Piper.