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Power and Humility Seminar

February 15, 2020 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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nar·cis·sism /ˈnärsəˌsizəm/ (noun) excessive interest in oneself and one’s appearance

We live in a city and world which measures success by power, position and possessions. These traits, often the seeds of narcissism, are highly prized. In contrast, the Old and New Testament teach a very different set of values. The gospels, both in example and lesson, accent the importance and way of humility.

Held in partnership with Christ Presbyterian Church of Burke, RGC is hosting a seminar on Power and Humility. Our speaker is Chuck Garriott, Executive Director of  Ministry to State, which has a mission to deliver the gospel to the members and staffs of all three branches of government. He has written a new book Love & Power, which captures his insights into the relationship of the use of power to Gospel love.

Please note: this seminar was originally titled “Humility and the Gospel.”
