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Member Vote

April 11, 2021 @ 11:00 am - April 17, 2021 @ 12:00 pm

In January our church members affirmed the elders’ recommendation of intent to unite with Sojourn Church. The elders proposed revisions to our key documents to reflect our shared vision and values, and we discussed them at a Member Meeting on February 28 and subsequent Coffee & Conversations. The elders sent final revisions of the documents last week.

On April 11  we will vote on the elders’ recommendation to revise our Bylaws, Membership Commitment, and budget, and affirm the new slate of elders and deacons, including Sojourn’s three elders and two deacons. The electronic vote will open shortly after church, and close on Saturday, April 17 at 12:00 noon. To vote, members should look for an email entitled “Vote to Unite with Sojourn Church” that was sent on Sunday around 11:45 a.m.

This is an important part of our joining together as one church family! If you have any questions, please contact SaraJane or reach out to one of the elders.
