Sunday School Class
April 23, 2017 @ 8:30 am - 9:45 am
War, Soldiering, and Christian Ethics: An Overview of the Just War Tradition
Lead by: Brian Auten and Dennis Wischmeier
This Sunday School class is meant to provide a 5-week survey of the historical just war tradition. It will also highlight contemporary challenges to the tradition, including modern technologies and the threat of violent jihadism
Book — David D. Corey and J. Daryl Charles, The Just War Tradition: An Introduction (ISI, 2012)
23 April — The Early Church & Augustine on Christian participation in warfare (Brian)
30 April — Evolution of Early Modern Just War Theory; jus ad bellum criteria (Dennis)
7 May — jus in bello criteria, esp. with reference to rules of engagement & debates re: drone use & targeted killing (Dennis)
14 May — The current state of just war theory; Christian Pacifism and Christian Realism; the impact of nuclear weapons on the tradition (Brian)
21 May — Just War and the threat of violent jihadism (Brian)
- Categories: Church-wide, Classes
- Organizer: Kristo Voda
- Location:
Room 204, 5200 Ox Road
Fairfax, VA 22030 United States - Frequency: