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Thanksgiving in an American Home

November 25, 2021

Would you prayerfully consider adding two or more plates to your Thanksgiving table to welcome international students from George Mason University? 

In partnership with Mason administration, this Thanksgiving holiday (Thursday, November 25) we need 30+ families willing to add two or more places to their Thanksgiving traditions to welcome international students! This holiday would give students an opportunity to be invited into an American home, to experience an American holiday, and to learn more about American culture. For us, it is an open door to extend hospitality, to befriend our neighbors, and to invite students to join us in giving thanks!

If you’d hear Emmanuel’s story of being hosted by an RGC family for Thanksgiving, view his testimony  starting at 6:40.

If you would like to receive more information about this opportunity, please email Stephanie Haddock De Jesús.



*Note to whoever might find this information helpful: As of September 23rd, 2021, George Mason University reported 96% of students and 91% of staff/faculty have been fully vaccinated or have received an exemption from vaccination. Throughout the semester, the institution’s COVID cases numbers have remained low and weekly testing continues in progress. 
