Preaching Plan Preview

Here’s an update about what’s happening with the preaching over the coming months, Lord willing.

Inexhaustible Riches: A Series in Psalm 119

During the month of August, we’ll drop into Psalm 119, which is a long poem focusing on God’s Word. This Psalm, the longest chapter in the Bible, is an extended meditation on how God speaks to us through his Word, and how we can live a blessed life by listening to what he says. I’m excited for us to widen and deepen our understanding of God’s Word by learning the eight words the psalmist uses, such as precepts and testimonies, and more. Also, we’ll get to hear Kristo Voda and Adam Suppes each preach one of these messages!

The Gospel of Mark

On September 11, as we welcome back GMU students and start our ministry year, we’ll begin an extended series in the Gospel of Mark. Mark is the fast-paced, action-packed story of Jesus Christ. Mark narrates stories and teachings to put Jesus on display for us, and we discover that in Jesus, God has come to earth as the King who brings his saving kingdom and as the Servant who gives his life as a ransom for many.

The big themes of Mark are the person and work of Jesus (Christology), and what it means to follow him (discipleship). As we build one new church from two, we want our foundation to be only and always Jesus. As we live in a world where lots of people profess Christ, or have opinions about evangelicals, we want to see clearly who Jesus is and follow him in what he teaches and how he lives. This series will be a great opportunity to invite people who don’t know Jesus to come and learn more about him, and hear him call all people to “Come, follow me!”

This series will take us well into 2023, including a break for an Advent series in December.

If you have any questions or thoughts about how these series can build our church and reach our community, please let me know

