Member Meeting small web banner
Thanks for joining us for our July 28 Member Meeting!
  • 0:00 Welcome & Prayer: Mark previewed the agenda and reviewed Membership Commitment #6
  • 4:51 Elder Updates: Mark reviewed the non-staff elder renewals and upcoming sabbaticals.
  • 9:23 Recommendation for Deacon of Finance: Mark reviewed the elders' recommendation of David Bastian as a Deacon of Finance.
  • 14:28 Membership: Edward and Mark encouraged members and introduced those being recommended for membership.
  • 29:18 FY2025 Annual Plan & Budget (AP&B): Steven outlined the process that the elders undertake to develop the budget, and outlined changes from last year. If you have questions about the FY2025 AP&B, please contact Steven.
  • 41:47 Celebrating Our Building's 30th Anniversary: Mark and several members shared thoughts about our church's 30 years in this building. Here's the video that was playing during the lunch!
  • Q&A: The meeting ended after 2:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact an elder or the church office.