RGCC StaffVolunteer Spotlight (1056 × 816 px) (820 × 312 px) (1600 × 500 px) (1)

At Redeeming Grace Church, we believe the church is not a building, it’s people serving together to glorify God. Every month, we will highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves with RGC because they make everything we do possible!

Today we want to introduce you to Abby Krafsig!


What does a “typical week” look like for you in your role?

I hold a variety of roles in the office. As the Sunday Service Coordinator, I help make sure that there’s someone for every role, and that they all know what they are doing. As part of our communications team, I help make sure that our events are properly communicated, so our community knows how they can connect with one another in the context of our local church. I also help keep our website updated and looking pretty, which is something I enjoy! I probably even helped make this webpage that you’re on now. ???? Finally, I am a receptionist so I help keep the office hospitable and stocked so everyone can have a good space to work!

How do you see God and the mission/vision of the church connected to your work?

I feel like it’s very directly connected, since my main role is as the Sunday Service Coordinator, and I’m helping to create the context and experience for believers, guests, and non-believers to encounter Christ.


How have you been blessed by our church community?

For the church as a whole, one thing I think that we’re gifted in is inviting people in. People invite others to church, and I get to see God help people who weren’t attending church start to, and others who haven’t heard the gospel to learn of it and embrace it for themselves. Also, the church I grew up in didn’t have a lot of conversation about international missions and church planting, so it’s cool to hear other’s passion for it and to hear regular updates about it. It has changed my understanding of God’s kingdom – it’s broader than where I am. For me personally, the church has become what I consider my family. God has placed men and women of varying ages in my life to walk alongside me and disciple me. It has given different meaning to the phrase “brother (or sister) in Christ”.


How do you see God and the mission/vision of the church connected to your work?

I feel like it’s very directly connected, since my main role is as the Sunday Service Coordinator, and I’m helping to create the context and experience for believers, guests, and non-believers to encounter Christ.


How have you been blessed by our church community?

For the church as a whole, one thing I think that we’re gifted in is inviting people in. People invite others to church, and I get to see God help people who weren’t attending church start to, and others who haven’t heard the gospel to learn of it and embrace it for themselves. Also, the church I grew up in didn’t have a lot of conversation about international missions and church planting, so it’s cool to hear other’s passion for it and to hear regular updates about it. It has changed my understanding of God’s kingdom – it’s broader than where I am. For me personally, the church has become what I consider my family. God has placed men and women of varying ages in my life to walk alongside me and disciple me. It has given different meaning to the phrase “brother (or sister) in Christ”.


Could you tell us some interesting facts about you? (ex. hobbies, interesting facts, family, etc.)

I LOVE baking and cooking, especially when I get to share it with others. I also make candles and soaps with my sister. I'm a sucker for cheesy rom-coms, but I also love the Marvel movies (I have 2 cats named after Marvel characters). I’ve gone skydiving and would do it again! Finally, I’m serving in Five15 for the first time and am excited to see God working through our teens!!

Check out past Servant Spotlights here!