Theresa Stanley

At Redeeming Grace Church, we believe the church is not a building, it’s people serving together to glorify God. We regularly highlight a volunteer or staff member who serves with RGC because they make everything we do possible!

Today, we want to introduce you to Theresa Stanley, who serves on the Sunday Admin Team, the Lord's Supper Team, and occasionally the Worship Team. Here's what a member at RGC has to say:

"It has been such a joy to know Theresa over the past year, as she reflects the humility, kindness, and love of Jesus both in her service and in the way she interacts with everyone around her. Theresa’s sincere desire to glorify God and love others overflows into her life at our church, where she serves faithfully and joyfully—welcoming guests, taking on various roles on Sunday mornings, and staying late to engage others in meaningful conversation, all reflecting the tender care and loving heart of our Savior. Beyond Sundays, Theresa shines as a senior nursing student at George Mason University and invests deeply in our college ministry, book studies, her community group, and the overall life of our church. Theresa, thank you for the beautiful way you point myself and others to Jesus—your faithfulness, love, and joy inspire and encourage us to draw nearer to Him."

~Mike Ruamthong, College Ministry Director

What volunteer roles are you involved in?

On Sunday mornings, I have the privilege of helping coordinate Sunday services as part of the Sunday Admin Team. Additionally, the Lord’s Supper Team and Worship Team have welcomed me on many occasions to serve alongside them. To see how many members diligently and skillfully serve on Sunday mornings reminds me that we are Christ’s body at work (Romans 12:4-5). Praise God we are not done serving at noon on Sundays, but have the joy of partaking in gospel-centric missions throughout the week!

How did God lead you to be involved in those areas?

The Lord graciously answered my prayers when I asked which teams needed help and where I could serve. Truly, our God delights in answering us according to his will (1 John 5:14-15). After seeking guidance from leaders in the church and learning where there were needs, God impressed upon me the desire to fill those roles and provided me the joy to serve in those capacities!

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How have you seen God at work in our church community?

Our Lord has been abundantly gracious to us in this season of our church life! Though suffering has been a familiar face to so many of our members recently, God’s steadfast love and faithfulness have been and continue to be a far nearer and closer comfort. By God’s grace, our church believes and trusts that our sovereign Creator inclines his ear to his people and remembers us in our afflictions (Psalm 102:16-17). The power and witness of the prayers of the saints here at RGC are a testimony to God’s care and tender mercies lavished on us.

How have you seen God at work in our church community?

Our Lord has been abundantly gracious to us in this season of our church life! Though suffering has been a familiar face to so many of our members recently, God’s steadfast love and faithfulness have been and continue to be a far nearer and closer comfort. By God’s grace, our church believes and trusts that our sovereign Creator inclines his ear to his people and remembers us in our afflictions (Psalm 102:16-17). The power and witness of the prayers of the saints here at RGC are a testimony to God’s care and tender mercies lavished on us.

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Would you share about how Jesus became your personal Lord and Savior?

During my early, formative years, Godknowing my frame and remembering that I am dust (Psalm 103:13-14)flooded my life with obedient, faithful saints, whose constant witness to God’s grace eventually began to wear away at my stubborn heart and soften it towards the transforming power of the gospel. “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” (Romans 10:15). In grade school, I could see a dramatic incongruence: though I confessed with my mouth the Lord Jesus, my actions and words were clouded with unrepentant harshness and violence, suggesting I had not truly believed in Christ’s sacrificial atonement for my sins and his bodily resurrection which conquered Satan, sin, and death (Romans 10:9). Throughout my high school years, the Holy Spirit continued to convict me of my hypocrisy and ordained that I open his word for myself (rather than have it read to me in class or Sunday school) and wrestle with his absolute sovereignty over all aspects of life. And oh, how wonderfully Jesus met me in his word and has since stolen my affections! Though my heart continues to wander, praise Jesus. He continuously welcomes me to repent and believe in him (Mark 1:14-15), and he mercifully holds me fast!

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Could you tell us some interesting facts about you?

I am incredibly passionate about donating blood and will work tirelessly to convince the world that it is not as scary as everyone makes it seem - though I might be the only person who actually enjoys the experience. When I am outdoors, I love to run, hike, climb trees, and play soccer. Also, I have every intention of running a full marathon one day (I am not currently training for one) and will happily run with anyone who needs a running buddy!

Check out past Servant Spotlights here!