Changes Related to Becoming One New Church
Opening our Hearts: One of the important aspects of joining together is for Sojourn’s members to experience a “joining together” with us instead of having a sense of being swallowed up or acquired. Therefore, we’ve been working diligently to find ways for aspects of Sojourn’s life together to be incorporated into our one new church. Here are a few of the key elements that will change as a result:
- Meeting Start Time at 10:30 a.m.: This is the time that Sojourn met pre-COVID.
- Renaming Children’s Ministry to “Grace Kids”: Sojourn’s classes for children were called “Sojourn Kids”.
- Sunday School Classes/RGCU: We’re planning to provide Sunday School classes on a more regular basis. We’re tentatively calling the classes RGCU, and we’ll have more information on the dates, times, and topics for the classes this summer as our plans are finalized.
- Incorporating Sojourn Worship Songs: We’re adding some of the Sojourn songs that we don’t currently sing into our worship times over the summer. You can listen to the new Spotify playlist to learn all the songs we will be singing together.
- Greeting One Another: Each week there will be time for members to greet one another and to greet newcomers.
- Pastoral Prayers: Prayers of thanksgiving, confession, petition, etc. will be incorporated into the service with more regularity.
- Lord’s Supper: We will be partaking of the Lord’s Supper each week, instead of once per month, typically occurring toward the end of the meeting.
- Announcements: We are going to try some different approaches over the next few months for when to conduct the announcements. Initially, we’ll share them at the end of the service, but we welcome your feedback on what seems to work best for our church.
- Member Meetings: The frequency of Member Meetings will increase, but they will not be as long. During these more frequent meetings, we will include more ministry updates and times for prayer, while still maintaining adequate time for Q&A.
- Logo/Color Scheme/Font: We’re transitioning from our blue-themed logo and color scheme to the green-hued colors Sojourn uses, and we’ll be using the Simplo font for our church documents.
Questions? Please contact Vince.